What's going on here?

I've made a commitment: to do one good deed per day. Large or small, it doesn't matter. Self-sacrificing or not, extraordinary or mundane, it doesn't matter. Just one thing every day, that's all.

The more I do good, the better I feel about myself. Truly, to benefit others is to benefit yourself. I hope this journal may inspire others who also yearn to do good. So join me on this journey, if you will, and think about the difference you can make in your own life.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Washer fluid for the building entrance

If you've ever lived with snow and a sliding door, you know what happens: snow gets in the track and when you try to close, it won't close all the way. The apartment building entrance usually stays open about an inch until somebody finally gets some windshield washer fluid to dissolve the snow that's obstructing the door. Today I took the initiative and bought a bottle for the building.

ONE GOOD DEED: Provide washer fluid to keep the building door from getting stuck open.

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