What's going on here?

I've made a commitment: to do one good deed per day. Large or small, it doesn't matter. Self-sacrificing or not, extraordinary or mundane, it doesn't matter. Just one thing every day, that's all.

The more I do good, the better I feel about myself. Truly, to benefit others is to benefit yourself. I hope this journal may inspire others who also yearn to do good. So join me on this journey, if you will, and think about the difference you can make in your own life.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Not winter fit

Well, I am still messed up beyond recognition by this flu. But having spent the last two days in bed, I couldn't stand to stay in the house a minute longer. I took the car out to do some errands, and that's when I realized it didn't even have an ice scraper. It's funny--my parents spent most of their lives in Minnesota, but since moving to Arizona I guess they've lost some of that winter sensibility. Well, it gave me an even better reason to go to the store.

ONE GOOD DEED: Buy a winter windshield scraper for dad's car

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