What's going on here?

I've made a commitment: to do one good deed per day. Large or small, it doesn't matter. Self-sacrificing or not, extraordinary or mundane, it doesn't matter. Just one thing every day, that's all.

The more I do good, the better I feel about myself. Truly, to benefit others is to benefit yourself. I hope this journal may inspire others who also yearn to do good. So join me on this journey, if you will, and think about the difference you can make in your own life.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Binghamton Tragedy Victims

An account has been set up to receive donations for the victims of the recent mass murder at the immigrant center. Here is the info I received:

Broome County Council of Churches

Seeks Donations to Assist Civic Association Tragedy Victims

The Broome County Council of Churches’ prayers go out to all of the
victims and families affected by the tragedy at the American Civic
Association. Lives have been forever changed in an instant.

As we enter this time of mourning and work towards a time of healing.
The Broome County Council of Churches would like to assist these
people by collecting monetary donations on their behalf. Extraneous
expenses that these families may incur could include funeral expenses,
emergency food and medical bills among many others.

If you would prayerfully consider helping out in this most dire time
of need, you can send a donation with your check made out to:

Broome County Council of Churches

Please put: “Civic Assoc. Victims” on the memo line of your check to
ensure that your donation reaches these hurting individuals.

Please mail your donation to:
Broome County Council of Churches
3 Otseningo Street
Binghamton, NY 13903

On behalf of the victims and their families, we thank you for your
prayers and your generosity.

ONE GOOD DEED: Donate to help victims of a mass murder.

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