What's going on here?

I've made a commitment: to do one good deed per day. Large or small, it doesn't matter. Self-sacrificing or not, extraordinary or mundane, it doesn't matter. Just one thing every day, that's all.

The more I do good, the better I feel about myself. Truly, to benefit others is to benefit yourself. I hope this journal may inspire others who also yearn to do good. So join me on this journey, if you will, and think about the difference you can make in your own life.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

That guy in the office...

Today there was a meeting of all local-area school staff, and I was seated next to a guy whose name I didn't know. He's been an office worker in an elementary school for some ten months, and I've never heard him speak a word. I've been going to that school once a week all this time, and I'd never even met him.

"Nice watch," I said. "It's all sparkly."

He reacted with surprise, then awkwardly replied, "Ah... um... yes. Thanks."

Then he searched for something to say in kind. "Um... I saw you at the grocery store, didn't I?"

I laughed and nodded. Actually, that was six months ago, but who cares? We actually had a conversation.

ONE GOOD DEED: Strike up a conversation with a co-worker I'd never talked to before.

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